Our goal is to re-establish native forests, provide habitats for native flora and fauna, and protect water quality in rural environments.

Meet the Team

  • John White


  • Ann Marie Pollard


  • Diana Ohrt


Planting trees alone can’t save the world. But it can be a part of the solution.

Carbon Sequestration.

A tree is an extremely efficient carbon sink. Every inch of a tree is built from carbon pulled from the atmosphere, making them tangible signs of captured carbon. Once our trees reach maturity and their growth slows, we plan to convert them into cross-laminated timber for industry use, effectively sequestering the carbon permanently.

Ecosystem support.

Trees directly support hundreds of species, from birds and small mammals that make the trees their home to moss and fungi that live in symbiosis with the trees’ bark and root system. They also provide cover for larger fauna, and protection for fragile wildflowers and ferns.

Better soil, better water.

America is losing topsoil at an alarming rate. Trees help prevent soil erosion by providing a wind buffer, holding soil in place in the root system, and introducing nutrients to the soil at the same time. Protecting the soil also protects water quality by reducing soil runoff into local waterways.