Trees Planted!
In April of this year, we filled in our first plot with a lot of Eastern Pine and a few white oak and swamp chestnut trees. We were heartened to see that the trees fringing the plot have also pitched in, dropping pinecones and acorns that have done very well! Trees can plant themselves as well— who knew?
It was great to get our hands dirty in the rich earth, and to make clear progress towards our goal of 10,000 trees!
In the meantime, we realized we need to put up signs around the property to ensure the trees aren’t disturbed by people looking for free firewood or trample saplings while hunting. We don’t want to see our work unrooted! We need to budget about $1500 for a nice sign in the front of the property, and “no trespassing” signs along the boundaries. We’ll be asking for donations for Giving Tuesday to support that effort, hope you will consider helping!
A newly planted row of Eastern Pines along the edge of the plot.